For your convenience, we have collected all the most important information about the MultiSport Plus subscription in one place!
Enjoy workouts at Active Zone with your MultiSport Plus* app!
* ATTENTION: We do not accept other cards like MultiSport Classic, Light, Student, Senior, Kids
!!! While at the gym’s entrance, scanning QR codes using the MultiSport app requires some skill and may take a few seconds to process it. It is crucial to get a sharp picture of the MultiSport’s QR code on the scanner’s screen. Your phone must remain parallel to the scanner’s screen. Do not tilt or shake your phone. This may require two or three attempts. Keep calm and scan again. !!!
But first things first.
Before your first visit to Active Zone!
The Active Zone app can be downloaded from Google Play and Apple Store.
Install our app and log into it using your Google or Apple profile. Then, choose a convenient location, and confirm your choice by clicking the button Get started.
Next, choose the free of charge MultiSport STARTER subscription and continue with Buy membership.
Fill in the required data – especially your MultiSport Plus card number – make yourself familiar with our terms & conditions and the privacy policy. Finally, mark appropriate consents.
!!! If you visited Active Zone for a workout before, having a membership or using a single ticket,
please let us know. We need to tweak things. Simply write a message to multisport@activezone.fit
Make sure you have the latest version of the MultiSport mobile app on you smartphone, with confirmed identity and your MultiSport Plus card registered therein – This will allow you to generate QR codes which are required to pass the gates at any Active Zone gym.
Please note that with the MultiSport Plus app you can visit Active Zone once a day.
The registration is done. Time to do your workout at Active Zone!
Every time you arrive at the entrance of Active Zone, generate QR code in your MultiSport Plus app and scan the code at the turnstile. You will hear and see the message Access granted. Go through the turnstile immediately (choosing right side).
After you finished the workout generate QR code in the Active Zone app and scan the code at the exit. You'll not be able to do that if not inside the gym.
Remember: While at the gym’s entrance, scanning QR codes using the MultiSport Plus app requires some skill and may take a few seconds to process it. It is crucial to get a sharp picture of the MultiSport’s QR code on the scanner’s screen. Your phone must remain parallel to the scanner’s screen. Do not tilt or shake your phone. This may require two or three attempts. Keep calm and scan again.
If the QR code reader at the entrance displays Access denied on the screen, you should check one by one the following prerequisites:
[1] Did you register with a valid MultiSport Plus card number?
[2] In the Active Zone app, do you see an active MultiSport STARTER subscription?
[3] In the MultiSport app, has your identity been confirmed at a place other than Active Zone?